[gentoo-user] (G)vim 9.0.0099 won't start
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Philip Webb
2022-08-21 04:10:01 UTC
Today, I updated to the latest stable Vim 9.0.0099 + GVim same
& it refused to open. No problem back with 8.2.4586.

Has anyone else encountered this ? Does anyone have a suggestion ?
SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb
ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca
2022-08-21 06:40:01 UTC
Post by Philip Webb
Today, I updated to the latest stable Vim 9.0.0099 + GVim same
& it refused to open. No problem back with 8.2.4586.
Has anyone else encountered this ? Does anyone have a suggestion ?
No issue here with vim:

[I] app-editors/vim
     Available versions:  8.2.4586 (~)8.2.5066-r1 (~)9.0.0049 9.0.0099
**9999*l {X acl crypt cscope debug gpm lua minimal nls perl python
racket ruby selinux sound tcl terminal vim-pager
LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="lua5-1 lua5-3 lua5-4 luajit"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_8 python3_9 python3_10 python3_11"}
     Installed versions:  9.0.0099(03:25:51 PM 08/06/2022)(X acl crypt
gpm nls python -cscope -debug -lua -minimal -perl -racket -ruby -selinux
-sound -tcl -terminal -vim-pager LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="lua5-1 -lua5-3
-lua5-4 -luajit" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_10 -python3_8 -python3_9
     Homepage:            https://vim.sourceforge.io/
     Description:         Vim, an improved vi-style text editor

[I] app-editors/vim-core
     Available versions:  8.2.4586-r1 (~)8.2.5066-r3 (~)9.0.0049-r2
9.0.0099 **9999*l {acl minimal nls}
     Installed versions:  9.0.0099(03:22:04 PM 08/06/2022)(acl nls
     Homepage:            https://vim.sourceforge.io/
     Description:         vim and gvim shared files
Nuno Silva
2022-08-21 16:00:01 UTC
Post by Philip Webb
Today, I updated to the latest stable Vim 9.0.0099 + GVim same
& it refused to open. No problem back with 8.2.4586.
Has anyone else encountered this ? Does anyone have a suggestion ?
No *vim here, but: what does happen exactly? That is, what do you mean
with "refused to open"? Is there any error message? (If it hasn't been
started from a terminal or terminal emulator, try that way and see if
there is any relevant output.)
Nuno Silva
Philip Webb
2022-08-21 17:00:01 UTC
Post by Philip Webb
Today, I updated to the latest stable Vim 9.0.0099 + GVim same
& it refused to open. No problem back with 8.2.4586.
After some sleep & investigation, I found the problem, which is with Gvim.
The gtk+ gtk+2 USE flags have been dropped for Gvim-9 ,
which now defaults to the Motif GUI, which won't start from CLI :
"E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time".
This cb avoided by using USE="-motif" , which defaults to using Gtk:3 ,
& Gvim starts from CLI as it should.

Gentoo Bug 831250 covers removing the gtk USE flags.
I have added a comment as above & we'll see what the devs decide to do.
SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb
ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca