2024-04-27 22:40:02 UTC
I finally got Gentoo on the old rig I had laying around. This is not
the one I usually refer to as NAS box. I named this one NAS2. LOL I
got one problem that is confusing me. I've compared it to my main rig
and the install guide and I think I got everything right but maybe I
have a typo, missed something or got some other issue. This is what the
screen says, typing by hand so I hope I don't insert a typo.
Bringing up interface enp3s0
dhcp ...
Running dhcpcd ...
dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting
main: if_opensockets: address family not supported by protocol
dhcpcd exited.
At first I thought that 10.0.6 was a typo on my part in some config
file. The usual IP address for that port is Eventually I
figured out it was the version of dhcp. So, after getting past that, I
started checking everything network related in the install guide.
Basically, set it to use dhcp and let er rip. Well, this is the first
time dhcp has gave me any grief, which is why I think I did something
Anyone ever seen this? Searching didn't help. This is a new kernel so
maybe I missed something in there? All options on the table. New
install and all. Oh, network works from from boot media thingy.
Thanks for any ideas. Maybe telling me where I boo boo'd. ROFL
:-) :-)
I finally got Gentoo on the old rig I had laying around. This is not
the one I usually refer to as NAS box. I named this one NAS2. LOL I
got one problem that is confusing me. I've compared it to my main rig
and the install guide and I think I got everything right but maybe I
have a typo, missed something or got some other issue. This is what the
screen says, typing by hand so I hope I don't insert a typo.
Bringing up interface enp3s0
dhcp ...
Running dhcpcd ...
dhcpcd-10.0.6 starting
main: if_opensockets: address family not supported by protocol
dhcpcd exited.
At first I thought that 10.0.6 was a typo on my part in some config
file. The usual IP address for that port is Eventually I
figured out it was the version of dhcp. So, after getting past that, I
started checking everything network related in the install guide.
Basically, set it to use dhcp and let er rip. Well, this is the first
time dhcp has gave me any grief, which is why I think I did something
Anyone ever seen this? Searching didn't help. This is a new kernel so
maybe I missed something in there? All options on the table. New
install and all. Oh, network works from from boot media thingy.
Thanks for any ideas. Maybe telling me where I boo boo'd. ROFL
:-) :-)