[gentoo-user] ip_change_notifier - empty IP address
(too old to reply)
2023-06-27 16:40:01 UTC
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However at time to time the file: "old_ip.txt"
is being populated with an empty line "no IP address"

What could be causing it?


# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address

# File to store the old IP address

# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")

# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"

# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)

sleep 2

# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"

# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL

# Allow overwriting of the file
set +o noclobber

# Update the old IP address in the file
# printf "%s" "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
echo -n "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"

# Restore the noclobber option
set -o noclobber

echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"
Neil Bothwick
2023-06-27 17:10:01 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However at
time to time the file: "old_ip.txt" is being populated with an empty
line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
I found this site very slow to respond. It could be timing out with an
empty result. OTOH the URL used in the get_ip_address function is rapid,
but you don't call that function.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
sleep 2
# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"
# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL
# Allow overwriting of the file
set +o noclobber
# Update the old IP address in the file
# printf "%s" "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
echo -n "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
# Restore the noclobber option
set -o noclobber
You don't need to play with the noclobber option, just use >| for
redirection, which will always overwrite the file.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"
Neil Bothwick

Linux like wigwam. No windows, no gates, Apache inside.
2023-06-27 17:50:01 UTC
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However at
time to time the file: "old_ip.txt" is being populated with an empty
line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
I found this site very slow to respond. It could be timing out with an
empty result. OTOH the URL used in the get_ip_address function is rapid,
but you don't call that function.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
sleep 2
Yes, I notice it, it take upwards 10sec to get an IP and sometimes I get a timeout, I increases "sleep 15" hopefully it will help.
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"
# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL
# Allow overwriting of the file
set +o noclobber
# Update the old IP address in the file
# printf "%s" "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
echo -n "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
# Restore the noclobber option
set -o noclobber
You don't need to play with the noclobber option, just use >| for
redirection, which will always overwrite the file.
Thanks for the pointer.
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"
Neil Bothwick
2023-06-27 19:30:01 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However
at time to time the file: "old_ip.txt" is being populated with an
empty line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
I found this site very slow to respond. It could be timing out with an
empty result. OTOH the URL used in the get_ip_address function is
rapid, but you don't call that function.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
sleep 2
Yes, I notice it, it take upwards 10sec to get an IP and sometimes I
get a timeout, I increases "sleep 15" hopefully it will help.
It won't because the curl command is running synchronously. All
increasing the sleep does is make you wait longer after it fails. Why not
simply switch to the other service that seems to work more reliably?
Neil Bothwick

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it
considered a hostage situation?
2023-06-28 00:40:02 UTC
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However
at time to time the file: "old_ip.txt" is being populated with an
empty line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
I found this site very slow to respond. It could be timing out with an
empty result. OTOH the URL used in the get_ip_address function is
rapid, but you don't call that function.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
sleep 2
Yes, I notice it, it take upwards 10sec to get an IP and sometimes I
get a timeout, I increases "sleep 15" hopefully it will help.
It won't because the curl command is running synchronously. All
increasing the sleep does is make you wait longer after it fails. Why not
simply switch to the other service that seems to work more reliably?
Hmm,... do you mean i run:
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)

I tried it. When the "curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip" failed, showing empty IP
curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip was empty as well.
2023-06-28 01:00:01 UTC
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However
at time to time the file: "old_ip.txt" is being populated with an
empty line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
I found this site very slow to respond. It could be timing out with an
empty result. OTOH the URL used in the get_ip_address function is
rapid, but you don't call that function.
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
sleep 2
Yes, I notice it, it take upwards 10sec to get an IP and sometimes I
get a timeout, I increases "sleep 15" hopefully it will help.
It won't because the curl command is running synchronously. All
increasing the sleep does is make you wait longer after it fails. Why not
simply switch to the other service that seems to work more reliably?
I think this is better version:

# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address

# File to store the old IP address

# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")

# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(wget -qO- ipinfo.io/ip)
echo "$ip_address"

# Query the API to get the current IP address

# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do
sleep 1

# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"

# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL

# Update the old IP address in the file
echo -n "$NEW_IP" >| "$IP_FILE"
echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"
Neil Bothwick
2023-06-28 07:10:01 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
# Query the API to get the current IP address
# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do
sleep 1
That's better, although I would use a longer sleep to allow for network
Neil Bothwick

Documentation: (n.) a novel sold with software, designed to entertain the
operator during episodes of bugs or glitches.
Paul Colquhoun
2023-06-28 07:30:01 UTC
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
# Query the API to get the current IP address
# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do
sleep 1
That's better, although I would use a longer sleep to allow for network
# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do

sleep $retry_count

Reverend Paul Colquhoun, ULC. http://andor.dropbear.id.au/
Asking for technical help in newsgroups? Read this first:
2023-06-28 15:10:01 UTC
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
Post by Neil Bothwick
Post by t***@sys-concept.com
# Query the API to get the current IP address
# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do
sleep 1
That's better, although I would use a longer sleep to allow for network
# Retry if the IP address is empty
while [[ -z "$NEW_IP" && $retry_count -lt 3 ]]; do
sleep $retry_count
Thank you, no more empty IP in txt file.

Matt Connell
2023-06-28 14:40:01 UTC
Not quoting anything because I'm just making a general reply, to the
general problem that you're generally trying to solve. Generally.

You really should be using DNS for what you're trying to do, one way or
the other. Reverse DNS, when set up properly, will always return the
appropriate IP address for you. If this isn't achievable (I might
scoff at a few dollars a year for a domain but others might not), then
you should still be using DNS as a protocol, for both speed and
reliability reasons. OpenDNS provides this a free service.

dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

If you still don't want to use DNS for whatever reason, there are
services that are designed for infrastructural reliability for this,

icanhazip.com [1]

Since 2021 icanhazip is hosted by Cloudflare, and regardless of how you
feel about CF as a company, the service is designed for speed and
reliabilty for this exact purpose.

1: https://major.io/p/a-new-future-for-icanhazip/