2023-06-27 16:40:01 UTC
I run this little script to notify me when the IP changes. However at time to time the file: "old_ip.txt"
is being populated with an empty line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
sleep 2
# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"
# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL
# Allow overwriting of the file
set +o noclobber
# Update the old IP address in the file
# printf "%s" "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
echo -n "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
# Restore the noclobber option
set -o noclobber
echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"
is being populated with an empty line "no IP address"
What could be causing it?
# Replace "YOUR_EMAIL" with your actual email address
# File to store the old IP address
# Read the old IP address from the file
OLD_IP=$(cat "$IP_FILE")
# Function to retrieve the IP address
get_ip_address() {
local ip_address
ip_address=$(curl -s https://ifconfig.me/ip)
echo "$ip_address"
# Query the API to get the current IP address
NEW_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org)
sleep 2
# Compare the new IP address with the old one
if [[ "$NEW_IP" != "$OLD_IP" ]]; then
echo "Your IP address has changed to $NEW_IP"
# Send an email notification
echo "New IP address: $NEW_IP" | mailto -s "IP address change" $EMAIL
# Allow overwriting of the file
set +o noclobber
# Update the old IP address in the file
# printf "%s" "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
echo -n "$NEW_IP" > "$IP_FILE"
# Restore the noclobber option
set -o noclobber
echo "Your IP address is still $OLD_IP"