2024-03-22 17:00:01 UTC
In this case, the offending package is dev-lang/rust, but this has
happened to me previously with other packages that require a lot of
space and time to build.
The build fails for any reason. Since it has already progressed over
half way through the build, I would like to continue the build instead
of starting from scratch. I fix whatever caused the issue. In this
particular case, it failed for out of space, so I added another G to the
ramdisk mounted at /var/tmp/portageg. I issue "ebuild
path/to/package.ebuild compile" but it fails immediately because there
isn't enough free space. The problem is that it's checking for enough
free space to do the entire build, not just to continue from where it
left off.
I've done some searching, and found one old forum post which suggests to
just temporarily remove the space check from the ebuild.
In this case, that seems to be line 236 of
/usr/portage/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.75.0-r1.ebuild, which is
"CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${M}M check-reqs_pkg_${EBUILD_PHASE}" the last
line withing pre_build_checks(). However, if I comment out that line,
and run "ebuild path/to/ebuild manifest" another attempt to compile
still gives the same error about not enough space.
Am I commenting the wrong line? Have I missed something about where
this check is atually done? Is it actually possible to do what I'm
trying to do?
Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.
happened to me previously with other packages that require a lot of
space and time to build.
The build fails for any reason. Since it has already progressed over
half way through the build, I would like to continue the build instead
of starting from scratch. I fix whatever caused the issue. In this
particular case, it failed for out of space, so I added another G to the
ramdisk mounted at /var/tmp/portageg. I issue "ebuild
path/to/package.ebuild compile" but it fails immediately because there
isn't enough free space. The problem is that it's checking for enough
free space to do the entire build, not just to continue from where it
left off.
I've done some searching, and found one old forum post which suggests to
just temporarily remove the space check from the ebuild.
In this case, that seems to be line 236 of
/usr/portage/dev-lang/rust/rust-1.75.0-r1.ebuild, which is
"CHECKREQS_DISK_BUILD=${M}M check-reqs_pkg_${EBUILD_PHASE}" the last
line withing pre_build_checks(). However, if I comment out that line,
and run "ebuild path/to/ebuild manifest" another attempt to compile
still gives the same error about not enough space.
Am I commenting the wrong line? Have I missed something about where
this check is atually done? Is it actually possible to do what I'm
trying to do?
Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.