[gentoo-user] Dolphin and side pain not updating when mounting drives
(too old to reply)
2024-01-09 01:40:01 UTC

I been noticing this for a while now.  It started maybe a couple months
ago.  At first, I figured it is a bug and will be fixed but now I wonder
if it is just me.  As some know, I have a lot of hard drives.  Sometimes
I unmount those drives and naturally Dolphin returns to the first
directory that it can see.  I expect that.  It has always worked that
way and it should.  Thing is, when I mount those drives again, while I
can navigate in the main window, the folders panel does not update even
after I enter the newly mounted directories.  On occasion, it does. 
Most of the time it doesn't.  Example.  I have path /a/b/c/d/e and then
files.  The mount point, encrypted or not, starts at c.  If I unmount,
Dolphin returns to b.  When I remount, whether it is a encrypted drive
or not, the main window updates when I click on c directory but the
folders panel never shows the little arrow or expands as it normally
does.  Even if I navigate in the main window all the way to the e
directory, the folders panel never 'sees' the newly mounted
folders/directories.  It used to expand as I navigate through directories. 

There are rare times when it does update once I navigate into a
sub-directory but it is rare.  Usually, the only way to make it work
correctly is to start a new instance of Dolphin and duplicate the tabs
and close the old instance.  Once it fails to update the newly mounted
drive, I can't find a way to force it to update.  Again, it behaves this
way on a hard drive whether encrypted or not. 

Is anyone else seeing this sort of behavior? I've looked to see if there
is some new setting for this but I can't find anything, obvious at
least.  It's kind of annoying since sometimes I have about a dozen tabs
open usually to different places that I'm trying to organize files in. 
Sometimes I have to use the back button to see where it was. Can be time

If someone else is seeing this, let me know I'm not alone even if you
don't have a fix.  If this is a bug, it may need to be reported.  Most
likely to KDE I'd guess. 



:-)  :-) 
Mark Knecht
2024-01-09 21:30:01 UTC
Post by Dale
When I remount, whether it is a encrypted drive
or not, the main window updates when I click on c directory but the
folders panel never shows the little arrow or expands as it normally
does. Even if I navigate in the main window all the way to the e
directory, the folders panel never 'sees' the newly mounted
folders/directories. It used to expand as I navigate through
I don't use the Folders panel so I only tried it now. The way you
describe the problem it sounds like a bug, and I do see inconsistent
operation of the 'little arrows'. I don't have any real drives to mount
in this machine, but if I have a directory that has no subdirectories
then there is no arrow. If I navigate into an empty test directory
and create a subdirectory I get an arrow, but if I delete the
subdirectory nothing seems to make the arrow go away which, to
me, is inconsistent.

In the settings area I see there is a way to report usage issues
in the Configure Dolphin section.

I am using version 23.08.1

2024-01-09 22:00:01 UTC
Post by Dale
Post by Dale
When I remount, whether it is a encrypted drive
or not, the main window updates when I click on c directory but the
folders panel never shows the little arrow or expands as it normally
does.  Even if I navigate in the main window all the way to the e
directory, the folders panel never 'sees' the newly mounted
folders/directories.  It used to expand as I navigate through
   I don't use the Folders panel so I only tried it now. The way you 
describe the problem it sounds like a bug, and I do see inconsistent
operation of the 'little arrows'. I don't have any real drives to mount
in this machine, but if I have a directory that has no subdirectories
then there is no arrow.  If I navigate into an empty test directory
and create a subdirectory I get an arrow, but if I delete the 
subdirectory nothing seems to make the arrow go away which, to
me, is inconsistent.
   In the settings area I see there is a way to report usage issues
in the Configure Dolphin section. 
   I am using version 23.08.1
I'm thinking it is a bug also.  It did start right after a upgrade. 
They likely fixed something else and it caused this new problem.  I'm on
version 23.08.4 here. 

I may report it.  I don't know if I have a KDE bug account or not.  If I
do it's old and may or may not work anymore.  I'll give it a few more
updates and see if it gets fixed.  Then decide what to do. 

One reason I was asking, if no one else was seeing this, I was going to
reset my KDE config and get a fresh start.  I haven't done that in a
long time and quite often, new configs fixes some weird issues.  I'd
have to look to see what I have to change nowadays tho.  I seem to
recall they moved them ages ago.  It used to be ~/.kde<number> or

Thanks for letting me know it isn't just me.  That alone helps. 


:-)  :-) 
Mark Knecht
2024-01-09 22:20:02 UTC
On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 2:58 PM Dale <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Post by Dale
One reason I was asking, if no one else was seeing this, I was going to
reset my KDE config and get a fresh start. I haven't done that in a long

It's worth a try but it didn't help the one problem I've had with KDE for
maybe the last year or so. In my case I use the Virtual Desktops with 6
desktops. I used to be able to leave apps open on different desktops -
terminals, browsers, etc., and when I shut down and restart the next day
they would still be on the virtual desktop that I left them on. Now they
all show up on Desk 1 and resetting my config didn't fix that.

Anyway, best wishes for both the New Year and for solving your issue.

Peter Humphrey
2024-01-10 00:30:01 UTC
Post by Mark Knecht
Post by Dale
One reason I was asking, if no one else was seeing this, I was going to
reset my KDE config and get a fresh start. I haven't done that in a long
It's worth a try but it didn't help the one problem I've had with KDE for
maybe the last year or so. In my case I use the Virtual Desktops with 6
desktops. I used to be able to leave apps open on different desktops -
terminals, browsers, etc., and when I shut down and restart the next day
they would still be on the virtual desktop that I left them on. Now they
all show up on Desk 1 and resetting my config didn't fix that.
See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=471977
2024-02-27 04:40:01 UTC
Post by Dale
I been noticing this for a while now.  It started maybe a couple months
ago.  At first, I figured it is a bug and will be fixed but now I wonder
if it is just me.  As some know, I have a lot of hard drives.  Sometimes
I unmount those drives and naturally Dolphin returns to the first
directory that it can see.  I expect that.  It has always worked that
way and it should.  Thing is, when I mount those drives again, while I
can navigate in the main window, the folders panel does not update even
after I enter the newly mounted directories.  On occasion, it does. 
Most of the time it doesn't.  Example.  I have path /a/b/c/d/e and then
files.  The mount point, encrypted or not, starts at c.  If I unmount,
Dolphin returns to b.  When I remount, whether it is a encrypted drive
or not, the main window updates when I click on c directory but the
folders panel never shows the little arrow or expands as it normally
does.  Even if I navigate in the main window all the way to the e
directory, the folders panel never 'sees' the newly mounted
folders/directories.  It used to expand as I navigate through directories. 
There are rare times when it does update once I navigate into a
sub-directory but it is rare.  Usually, the only way to make it work
correctly is to start a new instance of Dolphin and duplicate the tabs
and close the old instance.  Once it fails to update the newly mounted
drive, I can't find a way to force it to update.  Again, it behaves this
way on a hard drive whether encrypted or not. 
Is anyone else seeing this sort of behavior? I've looked to see if there
is some new setting for this but I can't find anything, obvious at
least.  It's kind of annoying since sometimes I have about a dozen tabs
open usually to different places that I'm trying to organize files in. 
Sometimes I have to use the back button to see where it was. Can be time
If someone else is seeing this, let me know I'm not alone even if you
don't have a fix.  If this is a bug, it may need to be reported.  Most
likely to KDE I'd guess. 
:-)  :-) 
I have a little update on the side pane not updating after mounting a
hard drive.  Let's say you have a directory structure that looks like this:

/mnt/<mount point>/a/b/c/d 

When you logged out or unmounted the drive, you were in directory b, c,
d or further down even.  Sometimes even directory 'a' may be enough.  If
you open a new tab and go to the mount point, right under /mnt in this
case, and hit F5 to reload/refresh, it tends to pop up as it should with
the added directories in the side pane.  After that, you can close that
tab and go back and refresh the others which should show the complete
path and such in the side pane. 

I've only done this a few times so I can't say it works 100% of the
time.  However, it has worked the several times I've done it in the past
couple weeks.  This may be a bug or is caused by some setting
somewhere.  I don't know for sure the cause.  It did start after a
update a while back as mentioned above.  Whatever the cause is, maybe
this is a workaround.  It may not even be Dolphin.  It could be
something Dolphin uses to get the directory info.  I'm just glad to
figure out a workaround.  Sometimes I have several tabs open to
different locations and losing those locations would cause issues.  I
may have things I need to process but not know where or what those are
if I lose the info in the pane and have to restart Dolphin. 

Thanks to all that tried to help.  Maybe this will help someone else who
googles this up.  ;-) 


:-) :-) 
