Post by Mark Knecht<SNIP>
Post by t***@sys-concept.comThank you, yes that work perfectly
"efibootmgr -o + arrange entries"
BootCurrent: 0004
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0004,0002
Boot0000* rEFInd Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,87a5c5b6-c0a8-024c-b1c0-622907add992,0x800,0x200000)/File(\EFI\REFIND\REFIND_X64.EFI)
Boot0002* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,87a5c5b6-c0a8-024c-b1c0-622907add992,0x800,0x200000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)0000424f
Boot0004* rEFInd Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,9d2481cf-8c35-4d9d-88ee-1d0d6e06cc68,0x800,0x1dc800)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
This is cryptic,
0000 - is sda disk
0004 - nvme disk
How to rename them to SDA and NVME respectively
man efibootmgr shows a 'label' option but
I've never used it. Try it at your own risk.
If I was going to try it I would first create the
new one with the new label using the data from
an existing option, test it, and if it worked then
delete the one with the less useful name.
<disk>: The disk where the bootloader resides (e.g., /dev/sda)
<partition>: The partition number where the bootloader is located (e.g., 1)
<new_label>: The desired label for the boot option
<loader_path>: The full path to the bootloader file (e.g., \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi)
Thank you! It worked as you suggested.
In my case, I created a new label:
efibootmgr -c -d /dev/nvme0n1p1 -p 1 -L i5_new -l /EFI/REFIND/REFIND_X64.EFI
device name and partition number can be derived from "fdisk -l"
I'm not sure why "/EFI/REFIND/REFIND_X64.EFI" are all caps letters, in /boot dir it is: "/EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi"
but now my entries are less cryptic,
BootCurrent: 0003
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,0003,0002
Boot0001* Gentoo_sda HD(1,GPT,9d2481cf-8c35-4d9d-88ee-1d0d6e06cc68,0x800,0x1dc800)/File(\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi)
Boot0002* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,87a5c5b6-c0a8-024c-b1c0-622907add992,0x800,0x200000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)0000424f
Boot0003* i5_new HD(1,GPT,87a5c5b6-c0a8-024c-b1c0-622907add992,0x800,0x200000)/File(\EFI\REFIND\REFIND_X64.EFI)
Switching can easily be done, with "efibootmgr and number" eg. efibootmgr 3
but this is only one reboot, it will go to default setup as per: BootOrder: 0001,0003,0002
To make it permanent change it has to be done with eg:
efibootmgr -o 0003,0001,0002