Matthias Hanft
2022-11-07 12:00:01 UTC
since many years, I'm using PHP (currently 7.4) and the (self-
compiled) Haru extension to produce PDF invoices on my server.
Internally, Haru seems to use Ghostscript, because:
- up to app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.55.0-r2, when you look at the
PDF "properties" and then the "fonts" tab, there is "Courier",
"Helvetica" and "Helvetica-BoldOblique" - just as requested in
my PHP script like
$myPdf=new HaruDoc();
[...some page settings...]
$myFont=$myPdf->getFont('Courier', 'WinAnsiEncoding');
- from app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.56.1-r3 on, everything looks like
before, but in the "properties/fonts" tab of the resulting PDF,
the fonts are now "NimbusMonoPS-Regular", "NimbusSands-BoldItalic"
and "NimbusSans-Regular".
I have already found this "translation" in the file
/usr/share/ghostscript/9.56.1/Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS but there is
obviously no relevant difference in that file between 9.55 and 9.56.
Some of my customers now seem to have trouble if the fonts in the
PDF properties are named "Nimbus" instead of "Courier" - they just
see some hieroglyphics when displaying the PDF.
Any idea that's going wrong here?
Thanks in advance,
since many years, I'm using PHP (currently 7.4) and the (self-
compiled) Haru extension to produce PDF invoices on my server.
Internally, Haru seems to use Ghostscript, because:
- up to app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.55.0-r2, when you look at the
PDF "properties" and then the "fonts" tab, there is "Courier",
"Helvetica" and "Helvetica-BoldOblique" - just as requested in
my PHP script like
$myPdf=new HaruDoc();
[...some page settings...]
$myFont=$myPdf->getFont('Courier', 'WinAnsiEncoding');
- from app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.56.1-r3 on, everything looks like
before, but in the "properties/fonts" tab of the resulting PDF,
the fonts are now "NimbusMonoPS-Regular", "NimbusSands-BoldItalic"
and "NimbusSans-Regular".
I have already found this "translation" in the file
/usr/share/ghostscript/9.56.1/Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS but there is
obviously no relevant difference in that file between 9.55 and 9.56.
Some of my customers now seem to have trouble if the fonts in the
PDF properties are named "Nimbus" instead of "Courier" - they just
see some hieroglyphics when displaying the PDF.
Any idea that's going wrong here?
Thanks in advance,