[gentoo-user] dev-db/mysql-8.0.32-r2 and media-libs/opencv-4.8.1-r1 fails to emerge
(too old to reply)
2024-02-05 05:30:01 UTC

This is just a heads up.  I synced on Saturday, USA time, and was doing
my regular updates, weekly ones.  For some reason, mysql and opencv
would fail every time I attempted to upgrade.  I've had times where
something would fail on first attempt and just trying to update again
would allow it to finish.  I guess something was done out of order or
something.  Anyway, that didn't work this time.  I also searched BGO and
the forums with no one else having the problem.  After updating all I
could, I synced the tree again.  It's rare but sometimes one can sync
when the tree isn't quite complete.  I haven't seen that in a few years
but it is always on my list of things to try even tho it is so rare.  In
this case, syncing again was the solution.  I caught something in the
middle of a change or something and got something that wasn't quite up
to date. 

TL;DR.  If the above fails, sync the tree again and retry.  It should
work then.  Time stamp for my original sync:  2024-02-03T20:37:56 
Again, USA central time. 

Hope this helps someone who runs into this and can't work around it.  :-D 


:-)  :-) 
2024-02-05 09:00:01 UTC
Post by Dale
This is just a heads up.  I synced on Saturday, USA time, and was doing
my regular updates, weekly ones.  For some reason, mysql and opencv
would fail every time I attempted to upgrade.  I've had times where
something would fail on first attempt and just trying to update again
would allow it to finish.  I guess something was done out of order or
something.  Anyway, that didn't work this time.  I also searched BGO and
the forums with no one else having the problem.  After updating all I
could, I synced the tree again.  It's rare but sometimes one can sync
when the tree isn't quite complete.  I haven't seen that in a few years
but it is always on my list of things to try even tho it is so rare.  In
this case, syncing again was the solution.  I caught something in the
middle of a change or something and got something that wasn't quite up
to date.
TL;DR.  If the above fails, sync the tree again and retry.  It should
work then.  Time stamp for my original sync:  2024-02-03T20:37:56
Again, USA central time.
Hope this helps someone who runs into this and can't work around it.  :-D
:-)  :-)
It was a tracked opencv issue deriving from a dev-libs/protobuf update:


Probably you did not find it because by default the Bugzilla interface
only searches for CONFIRMED, UNCONFIRMED, IN_PROGRESS. This one was
fixed and closed at the speed of light, I found it yesterday only by
chance because I did the search a short time before Comment 4...

I suppose that due to the urgency the developer did not change the
ebuild version.

2024-02-05 10:20:01 UTC
Post by ralfconn
Post by Dale
This is just a heads up.  I synced on Saturday, USA time, and was doing
my regular updates, weekly ones.  For some reason, mysql and opencv
would fail every time I attempted to upgrade.  I've had times where
something would fail on first attempt and just trying to update again
would allow it to finish.  I guess something was done out of order or
something.  Anyway, that didn't work this time.  I also searched BGO and
the forums with no one else having the problem.  After updating all I
could, I synced the tree again.  It's rare but sometimes one can sync
when the tree isn't quite complete.  I haven't seen that in a few years
but it is always on my list of things to try even tho it is so rare.  In
this case, syncing again was the solution.  I caught something in the
middle of a change or something and got something that wasn't quite up
to date.
TL;DR.  If the above fails, sync the tree again and retry.  It should
work then.  Time stamp for my original sync:  2024-02-03T20:37:56
Again, USA central time.
Hope this helps someone who runs into this and can't work around it.  :-D
:-)  :-)
Probably you did not find it because by default the Bugzilla interface
only searches for CONFIRMED, UNCONFIRMED, IN_PROGRESS. This one was
fixed and closed at the speed of light, I found it yesterday only by
chance because I did the search a short time before Comment 4...
I suppose that due to the urgency the developer did not change the
ebuild version.
I usually select show all when I search.  Sometimes, as you point out,
the fix is done but may not have hit the tree and all the mirrors.  At
one time I had a mirror that was not updated as often for some reason. 
Eventually, it stopped working and I had to switch. 

I mostly posted just in case someone else ran into this and was trying
to find a solution.  I spent a few hours trying all my other tricks. 
None of them worked. 

Good to know what the cause was tho.  After a few days, it shouldn't be
a problem for anyone else.  All the mirrors should be up to date.  It
was a head scratcher for me tho. 


:-)  :-) 
