Post by Alan McKinnonPost by Arve BarsnesPost by Alan McKinnonHey Gentooers,
Not 100% back in the gentoo groove yet, forget some basic tools.
Something pulled in ruby, I know not what.
What commands show me what installed packages have ruby as a dependency?
I tend to use
# equery d dev-lang/ruby
equery from app-portage/gentoolkit
Yes, that's the one! thanks!
Let's not forget qdepends too:
$ qdepends
usage: qdepends [opts] <pkgname> : show dependency info
options: -[drpbIQitUF:SRvqChV]
-d, --depend * Show DEPEND info
-r, --rdepend * Show RDEPEND infols: /usr/bin/qdepends
-p, --pdepend * Show PDEPEND info
-b, --bdepend * Show BDEPEND info
-I, --idepend * Show IDEPEND info
-Q, --query * Query reverse deps
-i, --installed * Search installed packages using VDB
-t, --tree * Search available ebuilds in the tree
-U, --use * Apply profile USE-flags to conditional deps
-F, --format <arg> * Print matched atom using given format string
-S, --pretty * Pretty format specified depend strings
-R, --resolve * Resolve found dependencies to package versions
--root <arg> * Set the ROOT env var
-v, --verbose * Report full package versions, emit more elaborate
-q, --quiet * Tighter output; suppress warnings
-C, --nocolor * Don't output color
--color * Force color in output
-h, --help * Print this help and exit
-V, --version * Print version and exit
$ qfile /usr/bin/qdepends
app-portage/portage-utils: /usr/bin/qdepends